Where It All Started

Embarking on this journey in 2013 after finishing my Graphic Design
Certificate from Institute of Technology in Clovis, CA, I began
designing, crafting and selling on Facebook groups during a challenging
period of job instability. Life's unpredictability persisted, but so did
my commitment to consistency and personal goals. In the face of
adversity, I built a haven for people seeking the perfect gifts.

me, the customer is paramount. While financial stability is crucial,
it's a symbiotic relationship – I need you, and you need me for your
shopping needs. You're my priority. Stay Brolic, a term born from my
identity as a fitness enthusiast in New York, embodies my ethos. It's a
constant reminder to stay strong, influencing every aspect of my work.

Brolic isn't just an Etsy venture; it's a multifaceted expression of
who I am. A fitness-driven & deep conversationalist podcaster with
'The Brolically Speaking Podcast,' I channel my diverse interests
through StayBrolic.com. My vision is to transform my website into a
central hub for gift shopping, learning, and vibrant discussions. Join
in, comment, or even guest blog – let's build a community.

About Me section isn't just words; it's an invitation to grow together.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about the person behind Stay
Brolic. Stay Real, Stay Brolic, and let's chart the path to success